Short Version : Wikipedia... Editorial day out... senior ISMer... house hunting... stupid girl & hot girl... Columbia Pictures... workkkkkk... drencheddddd...
Bet you've understood nothing from the 'short version'... so, here's the.......
DETAIL VERSION (!!!!) : i've been screwing my brain real hard and thinking about what it takes to be on wikipedia (even Sarah Jane Dias is on wiki!!.... she's my senior from school btw... every morning on my way to office, i stare at the huge hoarding with her heavenly face on it... truly a masterpiece!)... i've been seeing too much of wikipedia in the past 8-10 months, that i suddenly feel it's really cool to be featured in the site!
then there was the Editorial Board's day out... my teammates, their boyfriends and good ol' me! (don't ask me what was i doing there! it didn't seem this odd then!)... a quiet movie, preceded by nothing, and followed by nothing.... the movie -
Kerala Cafe.... made somewhat on the lines of
Dus Kahaniyan, with ten stories and stuff (of course, atleast 8 of the 10 movies were crap in the mallu one... haven't watched the hindi one)... oh, and add to it the joy of meeting a fellow ISMer! (one of Nixxx's friends is an ex-ISMer...).... sigh... i wonder what's going on at ISM these days (in case you're still wondering what ISM is, it's Indian School Muscat)... the last thing i heard about ISM was the "evolution" of the students there... it has become real cool (for the guys) to wear their pants below their knees, and wear bangles covering atleast half their forearm!! (i'd rather not talk about the girls!)... the limits of 'cool'-ness!!....
then there was the house-hunting session with dad... apparently the area i stay in looks like a garbage dumpyard to him... for the first time, he found the interior of my house MUCH better when compared to the exterior!
and finally(!), the (five-hour) bus ride to cochin from home... the stupid girl and the hot girl.... first the stupid girl... a particularly ugly female sitting diagonally in front of me, out of nowhere, suddenly opened up her laptop and started watching movies! (even though it was a perfectly normal thing for a human being to do, it sadly seemed out-of-place to me)... considering the aged men sitting around her, i came to the conclusion that she was trying to impress me... geeeeee... if in case she WAS trying to do so, the sad-ass movie she was watching, was definitely not one that could be used to impress a guy!!! (come to think about it, i wouldn't have been impressed even if she were watchin
American Pie!!!)... then there's the hot girl, who was sitting in front of me (ha! she had no idea who was sitting behind her!!)... a striking contrast of the stupid girl... she had such a heavenly voice!! (she was flirting with her boyfriend over the phone almost throughout the journey... sigh....)... the hot girl, her voice and the air-conditioning was putting me in a really embarrassing situation!!...
over the weekend i've managed to make an astonishing discovery that could change the lives of millions across the globe!!... Columbia Pictures... the secret is finally out!!... pick up a movie made by Columbia Pictures... at the beginning of the movie, when they show the Columbia Pictures thingy, with the lady holding the lamp... watch closely next to her right arm... in the clouds, there's an impression of a chubby, sleeping man!!!... i bet none of you had noticed that before!!! (or am i the tubelight here???)
and at the end of it all, i'm back here in office, staring at the wall, visualising my pile of work that's left for me to do... hmmm... i wonder how depressing it would have been if we didn't have computers, and had to stare at actual pile of papers!
sigh.... the rains are back again... along with haunting memories... why?? why?? why?? why can't there ever be a rainless year in india? why can't it snow instead??....
gotta go...... sighhhh......