Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Trip 2 Chowdy's

phew!!!!... i'm back from a very much needed trip.... a trip to reinvent myself....
and who better than chowdy aka chowallax aka choxxx!!!!.... ha!!!.... apart from the fact that the guy looks significantly much older, he's still in the league!!!!.... apart from the trip there were couple of "trips" too!!!!.... know what i mean right?.... there... that's chowdy for you on the right......

apart from that, the whole trip was kinda jinxed.... getting caught in the middle of the night by cops and narrowly escaping.... the heavy rains.... and the biggest of all, the car's tyre getting blown right in the middle of nowhere!!!..... the threading simply fell out of the wheel!!!!... how cool is that???!!!!

and then chowdy had to change the wheel...

by then we had had enough and decided that the roadtrip was not meant for people like us and headed straight back home, and got back to doing what we're good at!!!!.... lol!!!.... oh.... another highlight of the trip, i had buffalo intestines!!!!.....


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