thissssss.... is about THE WALL!!!!.... (perhaps one of the most important posts in my blog!!)
the wall is actually just an imaginary structure that is formed around a person/persons when they feel they're psychologically very much seperated from their peers/family....
i always had this wall around me... ever since i'd come off age to undastand things in life, i noticed this huge structure around me.... only thing is i din't have a definitive name for the structure until a half year back....
the first time i established my discovery with solid proof was just a few weeks back...
it was a fine weekend... at my friends' place... (i'm rarely at my place!!..)... my friends had just finished a huge dinner.... (i'm not into the habit of having huge dinners on weekends.... or on any other day of the week for that matter....)
so these asls after the dinner decide to hit the sack!!!!.... what a perfect way to enjoy the
so there!!!.... i'm wide awake and my friends are sound asleep... suddenly my pal Shankar decides it's unfair to leave me alone and gives me company...
we decided to set out on our mission... to search n download the best comedy movies with "scantily clad" chicks in them.... (oooooooh... we love comedies with SC chicks in them!!!.... :D...)
it was past 1am.... here's the convo... (i've changed the dialogues here and there, partly because i need to cut out many "unwanted" details... and partly because i don't remember the exact words!!!.... it was more than 2 months back!!!...)
SHANKAR: dude.... we're so friggin jobless man....
ME: i swear dude.... anyways... don't mind... keep searching....
SHANKAR: sigh... look at those guys.... so fast asleep....
ME: ahhh... i don't care... keep searching....
S: dude have you ever noticed how these guys are so different from us???....
M: hmmmm.... yeah... sometimes.... dude how about that movie???....
S: naaahhhh... it's only got a rating of 3.5..... must be a sucker.... (i hate it when these guys talk about imdb ratings!!!!.... at times even good movies (according to me) go unappreciated jus because the stupid people at imdb have given it a bad rating!!!)
(long silence....)
M: yeah... i thought you were weird too!!!... hehe... just kidding.... what makes you say so???...
S: dunno.... sometimes i see 'X' (identity concealed) sitting alone in the room with his book, studying... but whenever i walk into his room, this guy is always staring through the window at the next building's wall!!!!....
(and then he tells me weird things about the other two as well.... blah blah...)
M: dude... have you heard of 'the wall'???....
S: you mean the pink floyd album???...
M: noooooooo..... look carefully around you.... do you see a thick physical structure???.... and i'm the only guy on your side of the wall... do you notice??...
S: holy shit yeah!!!.... the wall!!!.... yeah i see it clearly!!!!.... oh my gawd!!!.... it's so huge!!!!....
hmmm.... so that was how i established the presence of the wall around me....
and shankar krishnamurthy was the only guy who could manage to cross over and get on to my side of the wall....
try opening the door on the wall...............
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