Sunday, November 2, 2008


ha!!!!... the closest i've ever got to a murder!!!!..... (i was not involved though!)
a week back a guy got brutally murdered in front of my apartment block...
it was a very calm evening with a cool breeze...
i was standing on the balcony of my sixth floor apartment....
suddenly there was a small fight picking up in the parking lot...
Ah! it was the gangster family from the tenth floor again!!... they were fighting with some gangster friend of theirs...
soon they began beating the shit out of each other.... then my gangster neighbour picked up a beer bottle and whacked his friend's head with it....
the bottle shattered and so did the guy's head!!...
there was blood all over and the guy dropped to the ground ...
all this set my pulse racing... it was my first murder experience!!!....

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